
University Hospital Waterford patients rate their experience

University Hospital Waterford patients rate their experience
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78% of in-patients at University Hospital Waterford rated their overall experience as 'very good' or 'good'.

966 patients were asked, but just 431 people took part in the latest in-patient survey for UHW, which was conducted during May this year.

217 were female, while 214 were male. 87.5% of those were admitted through the emergency department.

The most common reason for admission was deemed as "other." The second most common reason was an infection that was not Covid-19.


That was followed by tests or investigations, a heart condition, and then an orthopaedic condition, respectively.

67 questions were asked in total, covering admission through to discharge.

Just under 37% of people attending the emergency department were seen in less than 6 hours, 41% were seen in 6 to 12 hours, and 19% were seen in 12 to 24 hours.

78% of people felt as though they were always given enough privacy when being examined in the Emergency Department.


In terms of admissions, the question that scored the highest was "Overall, did you feel you were treated with respect and dignity while you were in the emergency department?" 81% of participants said yes.

The lowest scoring question was "While you were in the emergency department, did a doctor or nurse explain your condition and treatment in a way you could understand?" 11% of people said no.

The 'discharge or transfer' section of the survey asked whether people were told about medication side effects. 45% of people said they were not.

University Hospital Waterford fell below the national average on every question in this section.

Time seemed to be an issue that was seen throughout the survey. 12% of participants found that they didn't have enough time to discuss their care and treatment with a doctor, while 25% said they're family or close ones did not have the opportunity to speak with a doctor or nurse.

While on the ward, 27% of people felt as though they could not find a member of staff to talk to about their worries and fears.

During the pandemic, 66% of people said they always got answers they understood when asking about Covid-19. 61% felt that they had no fear or worries in relation to Covid-19.

The participants were then asked what was good about their care and what could be improved.

The most common answer was that the hospital staff were good, with 172 people giving this answer.

107 people felt 'general' or 'other' improvements could be made. The physical environment, hospital staff, and communication were other areas participants felt needed improvement.

Following the survey, people had the chance to leave comments. Below are some that were left:

  • “The discharge time could be improved you are left waiting hrs before you get the discharge papers and then you have long journey.”
  • “I was particularly pleased receiving information on a daily basis from the consultant and her team. Investigatory results were given to me as soon as they were reported. I appreciated this early information.”
  • “Doctors could meet with family members to explain things e.g. what happens after there is no more treatment.”
  • “Communication with medical team and nurses. Hugely improved health. Good planning and links to community services. Respect and kindness from most.”

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