
Tramore's Public Realm Works ran €860,000 over budget

Tramore's Public Realm Works ran €860,000 over budget

Tramore's public realm works which culminated in last year's May Day opening and the completion of the carpark behind the library ran overtime by a year and a half and €867,114.80.

The original time line was 12 months with a budget of €2,069,652.29. The final cost to Waterford Council was €2,936,767.09 not inclusive of VAT.

Documents revealed exclusively to WLR under the Freedom of Information Act outlined the final costing details.

According to the documents, no financial penalties were incurred by the contractor or associated parties for the following reasons:


A contractor is entitled to claim an Extension of Time under a number of different circumstances:

Over the course of the contract and especially during the Water and Waste Water phase of the works which ran throughout 2020, a significant number of unforeseen and unchartered underground services, difficult ground conditions and adverse weather were encountered.

Additionally, works and changes requested by Waterford City & County Council further entitled the contractor to an Extension of Time.

Finally, the Covid-19 restrictions deemed the works as non essential and therefore work halted for a time on site.


The works ran from January 2020 until July 2022.

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