
Temporary layoffs for Aer Lingus Cork staff scrapped, airline confirms

Temporary layoffs for Aer Lingus Cork staff scrapped, airline confirms

Aer Lingus have announced approximately 160 staff members in Cork will no longer face temporary layoffs this autumn.

The airline confirmed the 98 cabin crew and 60 ground staff will be kept on their payroll from September to late November, during which time the runway at Cork Airport is due to be upgraded.

Aer Lingus also signalled a service to Heathrow Airport may move to Shannon while the work is being carried out, according to The Irish Times.

The news that the Cork staff will be kept on came after the Government gave assurances that the State will continue to pay the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS).


During the period, staff will receive 50 per cent of their pay, which Aer Lingus said is “consistent with arrangements made with other staff when there is no work available”.

However, a statement from the airline also confirmed that a review of ground-handling services in Cork and Shannon is continuing, with job losses still a possibility.

The closure of their Shannon cabin crew base is also going ahead, with staff offered the options of voluntary severance or redeployment to Dublin or Cork.
