
State funding for Waterford Airport in jeopardy

State funding for Waterford Airport in jeopardy
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Further State funding for Waterford Airport may not be delivered until new passenger services get off the ground.

The Department of Transport has confirmed that funding set aside for Waterford Airport in June is on hold.

€39,000 was allocated for safety and security projects last month.

In a statement, the Department said:


"Approval in principal was granted in June 2017 for the provision of €39k Exchequer funding in respect of safety and security projects at Waterford Airport under the Regional Airports Programme.
This funding remains set aside for Waterford Airport pending the resumption of scheduled passenger air services and the airport authorities in Waterford are aware of and appreciate this."

Aer Southeast was due to begin services to the UK this week, until licencing issues temporarily grounded the fledgling airline.

Speaking in February on a visit to Waterford Airport, the Minister for Transport Shane Ross confirmed that Waterford Airport was to receive its full Regional Airports Programme funding for this year, but he would not be able to guarantee future state funding.

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