
Social Democrats hopeful of winning Dáil seat in Waterford

Social Democrats hopeful of winning Dáil seat in Waterford

The Social Democrats say they have high hopes of claiming a Dáil seat in Waterford.

Last November, Councillor Mary Roche announced she was joining the party, which now has 21 councillors nationwide and six TDs.

The party is holding a public meeting in Waterford City this evening, with Deputy Róisín Shortall in attendance.

The topic of Sláintecare and the future of healthcare services in Waterford will be the main subjects of tonight's gathering and Deputy Shortall says she will be meeting with University Hospital Waterford's general manager, Grace Rothwell, ahead of it.


Launched in 2017, Sláintecare is the biggest reform to the Irish healthcare system to-date.

"As you know, Róisín Shortall was the chairperson of the all-party committee," Councillor Roche told WLR News, "which looked at the future of healthcare funding in Ireland.

"Essentially it's about moving from a two-tier health system to a single-tier health system, based on need - very much empowering GPs and community delivery to bring healthcare closer to the individual and to people and what they actually need on the ground."

As regards the party, Deputy Shortall says the Social Democrats is a party that is continuing to gain traction.


"We are certainly hoping to take a seat [in Waterford in the next General Election] and we're not fussy about whose seat that is!" the Dublin North-West TD.

"We have a branch in Waterford - it's a small branch, but it's growing.

"I think there's a lot of excitement within the Social Democrats at the moment. As you know, we have a new, young leader in Holly Cairns.

"I think she's really cut through and made connections with people and because of that and because of Mary's own very diligent work in the area, over many years, we believe that there is huge potential there for Mary to win a Dáil seat."

Tonight's meeting takes place at Dooley's Hotel at 7.30pm.

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