
Short term letting impacting rental supply in West Waterford, SF Councillor says

Short term letting impacting rental supply in West Waterford, SF Councillor says

Short term letting by the likes of Airbnb is impacting the supply of rental properties in West Waterford.That's according to Sinn Féin Cllr Conor McGuinness who is calling for the area to be designated as a rent pressure zone.He said short stay accommodation is not taken into account when determining whether an area falls into a pressure zone.Cllr McGuinness highlighted the issue at a recent council meeting, calling it a 'Catch 22' scenario, and pointing out that he's now raised the issue several times:

"Local authorities can't regulate short-term lets, such as those offered by Airbnb. Neither planning nor the housing department have any regularly control when it comes to the commercial venture that is short-term letting. The regulatory power that does exist on the statute books can only come into play when there's a rent pressure zone, but we can't be designated as such, because in determining that, we don't take into account the actual real cost of actual property in Dungarvan" he said.

Ivan Grimes of Waterford Council says short term letting is creating a problem that goes far beyond the boundaries of West Waterford:

"It's happening in the City, it's happening in Tramore, it's happening in Dunmore East. It's happening in other counties as well. As much as I can raise it with officials, I think it needs to be pursued at a national level," he said.


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