
Ryanair boss says Waterford Airport has no future

Ryanair boss says Waterford Airport has no future
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Waterford Deputy Matt Shanahan has been reacting to comments from Ryanair Boss Michael O Leary about the viability of Waterford Airport.

Michael O'Leary says he advised private investors against putting their money into Waterford Airport.

Speaking before the Oireachtas Transport Committee last Thurdsay, the Ryanair boss says there is no viable future in the airport.

That's despite agreeing to operate a flight from there to London if the runway is extended as planned and the flights can be low-cost.


"Michael O'Leary's comments must be taken in the context that Mr O'Leary wants to control his costs to keep them as low as possible and that means to keep the lowest numbers of bases he can manage in Ireland," Deputy Shanahan said.

Just in September, O'Leary declared Ireland had too many airports but that a flight from Waterford to London was something he would consider.

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