
Railway Square Pocket Garden on the right track

Railway Square Pocket Garden on the right track

Waterford City and County Council recently completed works on a new pocket park at Railway Square.

The pocket park is a welcoming urban space consisting of plants and flowers in raised beds, and a spacious seating area, to encourage people to relax in a garden oasis in the heart of the city.

The area originally housed a small play park, however, this was repurposed as a pocket garden to mitigate anti-social behaviour.

The new park complements the regeneration the area is currently undergoing as it is close to the many commercial and retail outlets, giving staff and employees the opportunity to take a relaxing break in the city oasis.


Sean Gormley, Acting Senior Executive Engineer with Waterford City and County Council emphasised the importance of public green spaces. “Green areas are proven to have a positive effect, not just on our biodiversity, but also on our mental health and well-being.

“By introducing the pocket park to Railway Square, the area is now an inviting and open space, and it has become a popular meeting point for those who work and live in the area, encouraging a healthier outdoor and social culture.”

Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr. Joe Conway welcomed the addition of the pocket park to Railway Square.  “The original infrastructure invited an anti-social element and, unfortunately, this precluded a lot of young children and families from using the space for its intended purpose.

“Waterford City and County Council’s Environment team has successfully repurposed the space and intends to introduce more of these biodiversity pockets throughout the city and county.


“Ideally, these green urban areas will have a far-reaching impact by minimising the consequences of climate change, encouraging social cohesion and improving biodiversity and the quality of urban living.”

The main contract on Railway Square Pocket Park was undertaken by RFL Ltd., with the overall cost of the project at €45,000.
