
Media funding scheme 'unfit for purpose' say radio stations

Media funding scheme 'unfit for purpose' say radio stations

A body representing independent radio stations has questioned the workability of Coimisiún na Meán’s court and local democracy reporting schemes, claiming that the schemes are “unfit for purpose” and do not provide support for core news programming on its member radio stations.

The Independent Broadcasters of Ireland (IBI) represents all 34 independent radio stations in the State including WLR and together make up 70 per cent of radio listenership in the country with more than 2.5 million daily listeners.

The IBI has queried the workability of the proposed schemes, which were designed to increase coverage of local authorities and district and circuit courts, labelling them "unfit for purpose".

Launched by Media Minister Catherine Martin in July, the IBI claims the proposal would not provide “accessible, workable and meaningful support for our stations”.


A hard-hitting letter sent by the body to Taoiseach Simon Harris on Friday said that while the schemes were “well-intentioned”, they “do not provide any real support because they do not include ring-fenced support for core news and current affairs radio programming, because they only support new employment at a time when recruitment is already a major challenge, and because they do not support existing employment”.

The IBI said in its letter to the Taoiseach that none of its member stations have applied to the scheme for funding.

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