
Gardaí target drug trade with launch of Operation Tara

Gardaí target drug trade with launch of Operation Tara

Gardaí have launched a new operation targeting street-level drug dealing in cities, towns and villages across the country, aimed at protecting communities from the "scourge of illegal drugs".

Operation Tara commenced on Thursday with the aim to "disrupt, dismantle and prosecute drug trafficking networks, at all levels". Gardaí added the operation will target people involved in the importation, distribution, cultivation, production, and local sale and supply of drugs.

Last year, in preparation for the operation, divisional drugs units were resourced in all Garda divisions, with 321 full-time members now assigned to the units across every division.

Gardaí said the policing of organised crime at a national level and the increased size of the drug units has led to significant seizures and arrests.


Figures from Gardaí show approximately €9.5 million worth of cocaine, €7.3 million worth of cannabis, and €5.8 million worth of diamorphine were seized last year.


The force also highlighted the ongoing Drug Related Intimidation Reporting Programme, assuring members of the public that they will deal with any complaint of drug-related intimidation, or advice sought in relation to the issue, with the utmost safety and confidentiality.

"Any victim of drug intimidation who contacts us will be provided with security advice and support," a statement from Gardaí said.

Speaking to the media on Friday, Garda Commissioner Drew Harris said: "The term ‘recreational’ drug use is a dangerous misnomer that hides the irreparable damage that illegal and dangerous drugs cause to individuals and society.


"A current generation is suffering from and will be lost to the menace of this illegal drug use."

"Every person who continues to buy and consume illegal drugs inflicts untold damage to individuals under coercive control from organised drug gangs in Ireland, is putting money directly in the pockets of drug cartels, and is responsible for the damage done to communities here and abroad from drugs," Mr Harris added.
