
Garda vehicle shot at during incident in Tallaght

Garda vehicle shot at during incident in Tallaght

Gardaí in Dublin are investigation a shooting incident during which shots were fired at a marked Garda patrol vehicle.

The incident occurred shortly after 2.30am on Saturday in the Rossfield Avenue area of Tallaght when the squad car with unarmed uniform gardaí was on patrol in the area.

The officers came across three men, one in possession of a handgun and another in possession of a baseball bat.

The armed man discharged a number of shots towards the garda vehicle, one of which hit the car. No garda was injured in the incident and all three men fled the scene.


No arrests have yet been made in connection with the incident and investigations are ongoing. A technical examination is also due to take place this morning.

Gardaí are appealing for anyone with information or footage from the area to come forward by contacting Tallaght Garda station on 01-666 600, the Garda confidential line on 1800-666 111, or any Garda station.
