
Copper Coast Walking Trail on hold

Copper Coast Walking Trail on hold

Waterford City and County Council are deciding whether it is viable to develop a designated walkway along the Copper Coast.

The Geopark runs from Dungarvan to Tramore passing through Clonea, Stradbally, Bunmahon, Boatstrand, Dunhill, Annestown and Fenor along the coastal route.

Waterford City South Independent Cllr Donal Barry raised the matter of the Copper Coast Walking Trail at the most recent Plenary Council meeting after An Bord Pleanála refused Waterford Council's application citing environmental concerns.

Director of Services with Waterford Council, Michael Quinn, has said a review is taking place.


"It does have much wider implications and it is something that we are quite concerned about," he said.

"An Bord Pleanála refused our application for a walkway along the coast for environmental concerns. We're doing a review of that to see what issues were raised."

Mr Quinn has said that a further application may be made in the future.

"We'll decide whether it's in the longer term a viable proposition to actually develop walkways along the coast."


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