Waterford Council say that they will be supportive of any efforts made to help provide much-needed childcare facilities in Dungarvan and West Waterford.
A number of councillors have raised concern on a shortage of childcare facilities and crèches in the area, as two crèches are set to permanently shut over the coming weeks.
A letter was circulated to councillors in the locality by a group of concerned parents recently, noting their frustration and struggle in securing a safe place for their children.
The matter was highlighted at the most recent meeting of the Dungarvan / Lismore District Council.
Cllr. Thomas Phelan (Labour) reiterated the concerns of parents in the area, noting it was something that all councillors had been made aware of as a result of the letter they received. He queried what can be done from a planning perspective in order to alter permissions for crèches and childcare facilities, were there a potential for something to come on stream.
Cllr. Pat Nugent (Fine Gael) called upon the Council to do their utmost to help alleviate the stress being felt by parents in West Waterford, as a lot of young mothers are under pressure at present.
Director of Services with Waterford Council, Kieran Kehoe, emphasised that childcare facilities and crèches are an essential part of any functioning society.
He pointed to recent efforts made by the local authority in Ardmore, as to how they have the potential to engage with anyone when it comes to providing much-needed childcare services.
Mr. Kehoe warned that from a planning perspective, that crèches simply cannot be put anywhere and that there are multiple factors from a safety point of view that must be taken into consideration.
“We, the Council would be very supportive of any effort to try and fill the gap, if you want to put it that way. As I said before, crèches and childcare facilities are an essential part of any functioning society. From a planning point of view, in terms of permissions - much of it would have to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.”
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