
€3.25m for Ardmore under Rural Regeneration & Development Fund

€3.25m for Ardmore under Rural Regeneration & Development Fund

Over €3.25 million of funding has been announced for Ardmore as part of the government's Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF).

The Rural Regeneration and Development Fund is a commitment of €1 billion by government to be invested in rural Ireland.

The purpose of the fund is to support job creation in rural areas, address de-population of rural communities and support improvements to towns and villages with a population of less than 10,000.

The funding is aimed at delivering a series of phase 1 projects in Ardmore:


1) Construction of a relief road from the R673 to the strand and new car parking provision.

2) Construction of sea defence measures - Ardmore to Duffcarrick.

3) New pedestrian walkway from the village to the sportsfield.

4) Improved public realm improvements and pedestrian safety measures on main street, cliff road & sea front areas.


5) Refurbishment of the ‘sandcastle’.

6) Lay out & servicing of a new village green.

Waterford Fine Gael Senator John Cummins said “Since the RRDF was created by Fine Gael in 2018, it has supported the development of plans and the completion of projects across Waterford to the tune of €12.8 million. Today’s announcement brings that to over €16 million which is obviously very significant, however I want to see even more ambitious projects being brought forward by Waterford City and County Council in the time ahead. This funding stream aligns strongly with the governments ‘Our Rural Future’ action plan”.

“I’m delighted to have been able to work closely with the strong local Fine Gael team in West Waterford and my colleague Minister Heather Humphreys to deliver this very significant funding to Ardmore. The total cost of this series of ambitious regeneration projects is in the order of €4.1 million and will be delivered by Waterford City and County Council”.

“Phase 2 of the town centre plan will provide sea-defences and a walkway between Duffcarrick and Curragh; a new 12-unit Affordable Housing and 6-unit Sheltered Housing Scheme at Duffcarrick; and an improved Ardmore Traffic Management Plan. I am also actively working with Waterford City and County Council to bring forward the 31-Unit Social and Affordable Residential Development at Farrangarret. This remains a top priority for me, and I understand the council are currently engaged in a competitive dialogue process with a number of builders on the project”.

He concluded by saying: “I want to put on record my sincere thanks to all of the stakeholders who have worked so hard to develop the Town Centre Plan. This significant funding will enable these projects to proceed which is very exciting. Regenerating our city, towns and villages is a big priority of mine and today’s funding goes to show what can be achieved by all stakeholders working together with government. I look forward to seeing all the projects being delivered in the time ahead."

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