
3rd Annual Waterford Garda Youth Awards have been launched

3rd Annual Waterford Garda Youth Awards have been launched
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An Garda Síochána in Waterford have launched the 3rd Annual Waterford Garda Youth Awards, in association with Waterford Crystal and the Waterford Local Community Safety Partnership.

The Waterford Garda Youth Awards celebrate outstanding young people between the ages of 13 and 21 years.

An Garda Síochána in Waterford recognise that a lot of good work is being done by young people in every community in Waterford.

Awards will be considered for nominated young people who by their presence make their communities a better place to live in.


Gardaí will soon start the process of distributing nomination forms to schools, youth groups and voluntary organisations right across Waterford.

Judging for his year’s awards will take place in late March, with the Awards Ceremony to be held at the end of April.

It’s also important to remember that due to Covid, there hasn’t been the same opportunity for young people to become involved with activities or projects compared to previous years.

However, An Garda Síochána have also witnessed that many young people were active on the ground throughout the Covid-19 crisis, volunteering and becoming involved in a variety of projects that supported both the vulnerable in the community, and the frontline services.


The nomination forms are now available from all Garda Stations throughout Waterford.

Electronic versions of the nomination form are available from Gardaí by emailing [email protected].

Award Categories

The Award Categories are; Individual Award, Group Award, Community Safety Award and a Special Achievement Award.

The Individual Award is open to young people who have made a positive contribution to their community, making it a better place to live.

The Group Award category applies for groups of two or more young people whose combined efforts have contributed positively to their communities.

The Community Safety Award is for a young person, or group, who through a crime prevention or safety innovation, have made their community a safer place to live.

The Special Achievement category is open to any young person who has overcome difficult circumstances, or defied the odds, and whose commitment deserves recognition.

In launching this year’s Awards, Inspector Gavin Hegarty at Waterford Garda Station, who is Chairman of the Organising Committee, remarked:

“These past number of years have presented unprecedented challenges for our community. We wish to recognise the sacrifices made by young people, as they contribute to their community, both at a local level, and also in wider areas."

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