Irish Water has delivered the following update in relation to services as of lunchtime on Friday:
Irish Water, working in partnership with Waterford City and County Council, has restored water supply to a number of schemes across the county over the past 12 hours, including Stradbally, Liskealty, Kilbrien, Joanstown and Deelish-Ballinacourty.
Water pressure may remain low in these areas throughout the day as flows return to normal in the system. As water returns, it may be cloudy or discoloured. If this happens, customers are advised to run the cold tap until it runs clear.
There are now approximately 12 sites still without water serving a population of approximately 530 people.
In other locations in Waterford where it is taking longer to restore water supply, tankers or supplies of bottled water are being deployed to assist the communities. Alternative water supplies have been set up at the following locations but these are being stood down as mains water supply returns to the localities:
· Strancally school
· Ballycurrane school
· Faha pumphouse
· Tooraneena church
· Killbrien church
· Stradbally village
· Carrigeen GAA club
· Monadiha, Rathgormack
· Tallow GAA pitch
· Ballymoate
· Kilmore/Kilbeg
A live tracker of tanker locations is available on the Irish Water website at
Customers can also get updates on the status of their supplies at 1850 278 278.
Boil Water Notices remain in place for the Knockalisheen, Modeligo, Carrowgarriff, Ballysaggart, Clashmore, Garravoone, Castlereagh and The Nire supplies as a precautionary measure. Irish Water, working with the HSE, will continue to monitor these supplies and work to restore them to compliance as quickly as possible.