
Tramore Eco-Group launches campaign to combat plastic pollution

Tramore Eco-Group launches campaign to combat plastic pollution

Tramore Eco-Group, part of Clean Coasts group, has launched a #BreakUpWithPlastics initiative for February, to combat plastic pollution.

For the month, Clean Coasts are calling for people all over Ireland to end their relationship with single-use plastic items by finding new, more sustainable items.

Why #BreakUpWithPlastic?

plastic pollution Tramore

Tramore Eco Group find mostly plastic items on their beach cleans or #2minutebeachcleans


The Tramore Eco-Group has been tackling plastic pollution locally for a number of years, running awareness campaigns through its social media channels.

The group says it has been finding plastic bottles, wrappers and packaging, wipes, cigarette butts and plastic toys, some of it dating back 20 years.

The aim of the group is to highlight how plastic never dies and can take hundreds of years to biodegrade. These plastic items can harm marine life, as they can get entangled in plastic items or ingest them.

Ann Nolan, a representative of the Tramore Eco-Group said:


We contacted our Council and asked to have bins put in just for plastic bottles. We were given two that we placed at each end of the promenade here in Tramore and these are collected daily by our Council, and the bottles are sent for recycling. There was such interest in these bins.

How does Ireland fare with plastic pollution?

Tramore plastic pollution

Recent statistics show that Ireland is the number one plastic waste producer in the European Union, with 54kg of plastic waste per person produced each year, as well as being the country with the fourth lowest recycling rate.

The #BreakUpWithPlastic initiative aims to raise awareness of the impact of plastic pollution on our planet and marine environment by asking people to stop opting for single-use plastic.

Speaking about the campaign, Sinead McCoy, Clean Coasts said: “We once again are asking people to stop and think how they are using plastic and to educate themselves about plastic and its impact.  If we continue with the use of plastic as a single use item, we will continue to create immense waste issues and high demands on our natural environment. We need now more than ever before to discover ways to move away from the overly convenient individually packaged lifestyle we have adopted and find a way to break up with single use plastic."

What Can We Do? 

Throughout the month of February, to celebrate Valentine’s Day, Clean Coasts, alongside the Think Before You Flush campaign, will be sharing tips and resources.

Think Before you Flush is a public awareness campaign tackling the issue of sanitary waste projects being disposed of incorrectly. Everyday thousands of wet wipes, cotton buds, sanitary products and other unsuitable items are flushed down toilets in Ireland instead of being put in the bin, causing blockages and plastic pollution in rivers, on beaches and in the ocean.

Clean Coasts and Think Before You Flush will be sharing on social media and their website some downloadable resources, including an Instagram Live session at 12.30pm on February 14th.

Active participation of just 3.5% of the Irish population can bring about change – so imagine what could be achieved with more. Breaking up with plastic may seem daunting at first, but we’re here to help.

Check out how other people have already made the switch on social media @CleanCoasts and try out these top tips for Valentine’s Day below. All positive actions make a difference!

You'll find out more here. 

More here on the latest for Waterford.

