
Listen back: We learned a few simple phrases on The Big Breakfast Blaa, for Seachtain na Gaeilge

Listen back: We learned a few simple phrases on The Big Breakfast Blaa, for Seachtain na Gaeilge
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Seachtain na Gaeilge, March 1st to 17th

Ollie says he's determined to use the cúpla focail for Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge runs from March 1st to the 17th every year and the idea is that everyone should be able to use a few words of simple Irish, without feeling intimidated.  Many Irish adults regret not being able to speak our native language, and they feel that the school system failed them in this regard. Seachtain na Gaeilge is the perfect opportunity to try and remedy this! You'll find out more on the official SnaG website.

Adult classes through Waterford Libraries

Tracy McEneaney and Aodáin Barrett were studio on The Big Breakfast Blaa. Tracy works for Waterford Library services, and she says that she struggled with the language when she was younger but now loves using the cúpla focail. Tracy says people are welcome to drop into Ardkeen Library, to chat to either her or Jenny about learning the language. You'll find out more details here.

Ciorcal Cómhrá

Aodáin Barrett is  now retired and he said that he absolutely loves speaking Irish as a hobby, and that he's particularly fascinated by the old Irish place-names. He told us that there are many groups that meet in Waterford for the 'Ciorcal Cómhrá'  - in the Cove Bar on the Dunmore Road, Jordans Pub on the Quay, The Gingerman, the Men's Shed Dungarvan, and the Park Hotel to name but a few.

Bain Triail As


Both Tracy and Aodáin both gave us some easy phrases to use on a day-to-day basis, from things as simple as saying "Dia Dhuit" and "Slán" when you meet someone, to passing compliments. They said you'll be amazed how people will reply back in the Irish language!

The interview with Tracy and Aodáin can be heard in the link below, and if you like what we talk about on The Big Breakfast Blaa, have a listen to our recent chat with Waterford magician Keith Barry.

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