My Community Youth Project

My Community Youth Project
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MY Community Youth Project provides a comprehensive and quality range of programmes with the support of local volunteers to young people aged 10 – 24 years who maybe unattached and/or at risk in the areas of Larchville, Lisduggan, Lismore Park, Tycor, Kingsmeadow, Bilberry, Cleaboy, Carrickpherish and Gracedieu.

The purpose of the Project is to give the young people in the community a safe place to meet with friends/peers and develop positive relationships with new and existing peers in their community and provide activities that will increase their self-esteem, self-confidence, encourage pro social behaviours and lead to better outcomes in the young people’s lives. 

Opening hours are from Monday to Friday and hours may vary between 12noon until 9pm and on weekends on a needs basis.

For more information contact Ciara on 086 609 31 40               

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