Drive Time

Where in Waterford Hashtag floods the internet

Where in Waterford Hashtag floods the internet

If you have been on social media in recent days (and lets be honest it is our door to the outside world!) you may have noticed hundreds of people commenting (and virtually scratching their heads) on the hashtag #WhereInWaterford.

The premise is that people put up pictures of various locations across the city and county (photos taken either within peoples 2km radius or stored on their phones from "before") and others have to identify where in the county the photo was taken.

The idea is simple enough but it has captured peoples attention as we can only dream of visiting these far away locations again someday!! (Okay its only a few hundred kms away!)

It looks like the whole thing was started by Julie Ward a few weeks ago, and we are loving it!



Lets keep it going!

Here are some examples for you to have a go at, or you can follow #WhereInWaterford on Twitter or Instagram.
