Drive Time

Virtual Tour of County Waterford Village of Clashmore

Virtual Tour of County Waterford Village of Clashmore

A free virtual tour of  the County Waterford village of Clashmore has been made by local historian, Professor Ged Martin, and with the support of the Clashmore Community Council, the virtual tour scored over 700 hits in its first 48 hours online.

The on-screen stroll around the village links Google Street View to photographs and information on local and national heritage websites, giving e-tourists a choice of how much (or how little) detail to follow up as they explore the village online.

With restrictions likely on 2021 holiday travel, this virtual tour hopes to reach out to people around the world who are looking for an imaginative mental outlet.

Local historian, professor Ged Martin, who is behind the video says;
"Perhaps, if normal times ever return, some of those virtual tourists will follow up with a real-life visit to one of County Waterford's pleasantest villages."


Click here to do the virtual tour.
