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30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall

30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall

It is this day (9th November) in 1989 that is known as the night the Berlin wall came down.

In the lead up to the 9th November there had been numerous protests in East Germany which led to the resignation of the long term leader Erich Honecker on the 18th of October.

This also led to a huge surge of refugees leaving East Germany for the West. These numbers grew so large it was agreed to open the official crossing points, one of which was famously known as Checkpoint Charlie.

At a press conference on the 9th November it was announced that the checkpoints were to be officially opened and this led to what is now known as the fall of the Berlin Wall.


Demolition of the wall began on the 13th June 1990 and was completed in November 1991 however on the night of November 9th, history was made, as the world watched on.
