Déise Today

Listnership Results: WLR Tops the Waterford Poll

Listnership Results: WLR Tops the Waterford Poll


THE love affair between WLR and its Waterford listeners continues to deepen and grow, the station is delighted to confirm!

Latest figures have revealed that the station remains the number one listening choice for the Waterford public with a whopping nearly 70% tuning in each week.

The JNLR (Joint National Listenership Research) results from Ipsos/MRBI for the period Jan-Dec 2019 have confirmed increases in WLR's daily reach and market share.


It's a further significant boost for the station – currently holding the title of Local Radio Station of the Year 2020.

Indeed, it all bodes very well for the future of WLR, especially combined with the station very much rising to the challenges of the digital age!

And on top of that, the station has been placing a huge emphasis on communicating with and informing and entertaining listeners on social media across all its shows which is driving listeners back to listening to the radio.

WLR is now available on all the major streaming services; smart speakers and the WLR App is growing in downloads each day.


Waterford audiences continue to listen to a significant amount of radio everyday– tuning in, on average, for almost 4 hours per day during the prime 7am to 7pm time (Irish Adults listening Mon-Fri).

WLR thanked their very loyal listeners and customers for their continued support.

*Source: IPSOS /mrbi JNLR 2019-4
