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The Big 6 - Monday 29th March

The Big 6 - Monday 29th March

Every evening at 6 O Clock WLR brings you the 6 biggest stories of the day

1. Phased easing of some restrictions through April

The cabinet are meeting this evening to consider recommendations from NEPHET on a phased lifting of some of the level 5 restrictions currently in place. The sub-committee met for 8 hours earlier today and are thought to have advised a number of options. Here are some of the options being considered.

2. Our Rural Future plan launched by government

The Government has unveiled its blueprint to transform rural areas across the country post-pandemic. The five-year strategy is described as the most ambitious and transformational policy for rural development in decades, and has a major focus on attracting remote workers to rural communities.

3. Container blocking Suez Canal is freed

The massive container ship, that has been blocking the Suez Canal for the last 5 days, has finally been dislodged and is on the move.  A flotilla of tugboats managed to wrench the bow of the skyscraper-sized Ever Given from the sandy bank. The ship had been blocking one of the busiest shopping lanes in the world.


4. Anti-aircraft gun not the only discovery from the ‘Saltees Quest’ crew


The crew members of the Saltee Quest trawler have made some unusual discoveries over the past week. On Friday, crewmembers discovered an anti-aircraft gun from a submarine. which is estimated to date back to the 1940s. But it’s not the only discovery they made recently. Click here to find out more.

5. Kenny speaks out on human rights abuses in Qatar

Republic of Ireland manager Stephen Kenny has spoken out against human rights in Qatar, who Ireland play in a friendly match tomorrow. The Norway soccer team wore t-shirts protesting human rights abuses last week. Kenny said “There is a clear issue with human rights in the building of stadiums in Qatar, and the number of people who have died" but did not confirm if a similar protest will be staged by the Irish players. Ireland lost to Luxembourg over the weekend.

6. Dermot Kennedy reaches out to toddler hours before death

Irish singer Dermot Kennedy made contact with a young fan just hours before his death over the weekend. Kennedy had heard that the youngster Daire was a fan of his. He then reached out through the boy's parents Derval and Vinny who said his song, Outnumbered, had helped boost Daire during his fight with the rare bowel disease.
