Déise Today

The Big 6 - Monday 26th April

The Big 6 - Monday 26th April

Every evening at 6 O Clock WLR brings you the 6 biggest stories of the day

1. Minister Harris to meet with stakeholders in TUSE

The Minister for Higher Education Simon Harris is to meet with stakeholders in WIT and IT Carlow this week as progress in the formation of the Technological University of the South East hit a bump last week. On Friday TUI members of WIT staff rejected the terms for the proposed new university, which Simon Harris says is “hopefully” only a minor setback.

2. EU to sue Astra Zeneca over vaccine supply

The European Union has launched legal action against pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca over delivery shortfalls of its coronavirus vaccine. European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides said the action was being taken as a joint venture of all member states.

3. Varadkar says ‘absolute goal’ is to avoid fourth wave

A “slow” reopening of the country as Covid-19 restrictions loosen will help avoid setbacks and a fourth wave of the disease, the Tánaiste has said. Leo Varadkar said setbacks in the Government’s reopening plan could be avoided by “going slowly” until more than half the population is vaccinated.

4. Food Safety Authority issues warning about cannabis sweets


Sweets which contain significant levels of cannabis components are being sold online and have resulted in at least one person being hospitalised after suffering serious side effects


5. President calls on candles to be lit for Chernobyl anniversary

The President said: "On International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day, and the 35th Anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, let us all commit to ensuring that the tragedy of Chernobyl is never relegated to the realms of forgotten or neglected history, erroneously consigning this event to the past as something which no longer causes any threat. The reality is very different: ‘Chernobyl’ is of the past, and should inform present and future actions and decisions."

6. Outdoor sport returns!

People across Waterford have been enjoying outdoor sports and non-contact training today as Covid restrictions were eased. As of today, tennis played outdoors and golf was allowed to resume as well as outdoor sports training for under 18s. Outdoor activities such as zoos, wildlife parks and gardens were also allowed to open. While attendance at funerals has increased to 25. Aoife Kearns has this report from Lafcadio Hearn Gardens in Tramore.
