Déise Today

The Big 6 - Friday 8th January

The Big 6 - Friday 8th January

Every evening at 6 O Clock WLR brings you the 6 biggest stories of the day

1. Partners banned from UHW maternity unit - schools remain closed

2. British Brexit campaign relocates to Waterford

Leave.EU which was set up by Brexiteer Aaron Wright and fronted by Nigel Farage, would lose its website domain if it kept its original address in Bristol and therefore the group has moved its registered office from the UK to Waterford.

3. Ireland bracing for coldest night of winter


Tonight is set to be the coldest night of the winter, according to Met Éireann. Temperatures could plummet to minus eight degrees in some parts of the country.

4. Donald Trump confirms he will NOT attend Joe Biden inauguration

Following the release of a video in which he finally conceded the presidential election to Joe Biden, Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to confirm that he will break with tradition and will not attend the inauguration of his successor on January 20th.


5. Gardaí break up lockdown party in shed with 100 people

More than 100 young people attended a party in a shed in Co Cork on Thursday night. Gardaí said they stopped the event in Blarney at 11pm and dispersed the crowd.

6. Barbara Windsor finally laid to rest

The private funeral of Eastenders actress Barbara Windsor took place this afternoon. The 83 year old passed away last month.
