Déise Today

What do you call it, a hurley or a hurl?

What do you call it, a hurley or a hurl?
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On Thursday's Deise Today Damien asks is it called a hurley or a hurl?

A letter written to the Irish times by a reader is appalled that they used the word hurl and not hurley.

Colm Foley who set up 65 Hurls, a Dublin based, hurley making and repair company called it a hurl in an Irish Times interview sparking the letter into the newspaper.

In the letter the reader referred to the song Bold Thady Quill "Hurled the ball right and left in their faces". He argued that "to do that, he used a hurley, not a hurl. Hurl is a verb not a noun."


Does it change what you call it if you're in different parts of the country?

What do you think, is it a hurley or a hurl?

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