On Monday's 'Déise Today', Damien visited Bunmahon on the copper coast. For the past couple of years, Bunmahon has been called the forgotten village due to the closure of the pub and the local post office.
Very little goes on out there anymore, but recently the village has been trying to get back on its feet with the purchase of the pub with it hopefully going to be reopening soon.
Damien went out on Friday afternoon to talk to Fr. Jerry Condon. Fr Condon is the local priest for the Stradbally and Faha area which also includes Bunmahon. On the way, Damien spoke to a local postman who explained the hard times that the village fell under due to the closure of the post office. Damien then continued into the village where he was met by Fr Condon as well as local historian Jim Cullen and a vital member of the tidy town's Gillian Roche who told us about the great work that is done by the committee of the tidy town's in order to make sure that the beach stay's nice and clean.
They are hoping with the reopening of the pub that this will bring people back into Bunmahon and the village can star to make a bit of a resurgence.
If you want to listen to the full trip with Damien, you can hear it here!
Apart from that, Monday’s ‘Déise Today’ was a packed show with plenty of discussions!
Damien was talking to Paul Kehoe, Minister of State with responsibility for Defence on some issues such as the protestors at his home on Sunday, he also spoke about the freeze on HSE recruitment and the Irish troops that returned home after the Golan Heights stint.
Damien also talked to George Fonsie from ‘Fonsie Mealy Auctioneers’ talking about antiques and that everyone in Ireland might have a precious antique in their house!
If you want to listen to the full version of ‘Déise Today’ you can do so here!