Déise Today

Déise Today, 20th March: Margret Burke and her tragic case of Pancreatic Cancer

Déise Today, 20th March: Margret Burke and her tragic case of Pancreatic Cancer
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On Wednesday's show of Déise Today, Damien was talking to Margret Burke, a 57-year-old from Cappoquin.

Marget has a tragic story in that she was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. However, she was able to fight it off and survive. However, she was then giving the awful news recently that she was rediagnosed with it. This time however she will not be able to fight it and has only been given a few months left to live.

Margret however, has been trying to keep up her optimism and hopes that with Daffodil day coming up on Friday the 22nd March that her story will help people to aspire to do more and help promote people just like Margret who are fighting this disease.

At numerous times during this striking interview, Damien and Margret were simply lost for words as to what to say. At one point Damien simply said "I don't even know what to say to you" to which Margret simply said, "I don't know either".


However, Marget is trying to stay positive throughout all of this and is going to live out the rest of her days in just the way that she wants to live them.

She reiterated that she hopes that people will donate for Daffodil Day so that more people throughout Ireland and the South-East that will not have to go through the same awful situation that she has had to go through.

If you want to listen to that interview click here.



Wednesdays version of Déise Today was packed as well with renowned journalists Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan in studio to talk about the Netflix documentary that they contributed to "Dissapereance of MadelineMcCann". It was a fascinating interview with plenty of discussion on the case and a lot of the details.
You can listen to that interview here!


You can listen to the fulll version of the show then here!


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