
Green tips for managing waste this Christmas

Green tips for managing waste this Christmas
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This Christmas You Can Be Green Without Being The Grinch

Declan Breen from My Waste has written this handy guide to give us some green tips for managing waste around Christmas.

Over Christmas, we typically eat lots of food and spend lots of money. The remnants of millions of turkeys, tonnes of plastic packaging and miles of wrapping paper have to go somewhere. This means that over the festive season we produce 25-30% more waste than we normally do. This is unnecessary, expensive and environmentally damaging.

We might be doing some more online shopping this year which often has more packaging than we want or need. Please ensure to recycle this by placing it clean, dry and loose into your recycle bin along with all of the other items such as rigid plastics, tins and cans. For some of the larger packaging, you may have that will not fit in your bin at home it can be brought to your local civic amenity site.

You can use MyWaste's waste services locator to find your local bring bank or civic amenity site.


The best gifts don’t need wrapping

Today we are more conscious of the results of our decisions on our environment and how they can affect climate change so while we still want to give gifts we are torn. We have a few pointers which may help you to show your loved ones that you do care while also helping to ease your conscience that you’re doing what you can to reduce your environmental impact.

We’ll try to create a list that goes from best to worst option but all of these options are better than buying something for the sake of buying.

Don't buy anything


This is a tough one and not really an option for most of us……don’t buy anything, simply this is the very best thing you can do but who wants to be labelled Scrooge or the Grinch for Christmas? Ok ok, we know that this one isn’t going to happen so pause before you purchase and think….do they really want this?

Buy an experience

This can be from something as simple as cinema vouchers to a hot air balloon ride [weather permitting]. Is there something that you’ve wanted to try but haven’t plucked up the nerve, a gig you want to go…..why not get this experience for a loved one and you can do it together? By doing this you are also making future plans to spend time with the person who receives the gift which can be as good as the gift itself. Another great advantage of buying experiences is that you can help to support local and small businesses.

Buy a toy club subscription

You could buy a toy club subscription, these clubs help to eliminate waste and unnecessary spending with a monthly toy box delivery of four toys each month for the kids which then go back for cleaning and sanitisation and go back into the delivery rotation again, such as Clever Tots Toy Club.

Shop local

Rather than doing all of your shopping online please get out and support local. This also brings about the debate of shopping in person or online and delivery and which method will produce the greatest emissions? Researchers in the UK highlight that this is a very complex issue but that in general purchasing online and collecting in-store created fewer emissions than traditional or old-school shopping.

Visit Christmas markets where you can find some really unique gifts, and keep an eye on local news for ones popping up in your area.

Purchase eco-brands

Do some research and purchase eco-brands, we’ve highlighted a few online stores here: Jiminy, Eco Toys Ireland, Beoverde, World of Wonder Toys.

Gig or theatre tickets

For us bigger kids, rather than buying gifts for friends, arranging a really nice meal or starting a tradition of going to a gig or seeing some theatre, you’ll probably be getting together to exchange gifts so planning a future event means another chance to hang out again.

Deck the Halls

Invest in good quality decorations to form a base, then if you do want to change things from year to year you can minimise the amount you’ll need to get.

Bring the outside in, nature can provide some beautiful decoration for free but make sure to take clippings or pick up cones which have fallen off trees.

Wackers for Crackers

Millions of Christmas crackers are pulled each year. They are full of plastic and go in the bin after being used for only a few hours. Avoid them where possible or find a reusable option – invest in a good joke book that will last you for years to come!

You can always invest in reusable crackers which are now widely available and you can fill them with whatever you like.

That’s a Wrap

Wrapping paper often just gets ripped to shreds and thrown in the recycle bin. Consider using gift bags instead. These can be reused year after year. Or use old newspapers, magazines or even old books as wrapping paper. Find wrapping paper which can easily be recycled, and avoid buying anything shiny or that makes crinkly noises, we’ve noticed in the last few years that a lot of patterned brown paper is now commonly available.

When shopping online

We might be doing some more online shopping this year which often has more packaging than we want or need, please ensure to recycle this by placing it clean, dry and loose into your recycle bin along with all of the other items. For some of the larger packaging, you may have that will not fit in your bin at home it can be brought to your local civic amenity site.

You can use My Waste's waste services locator to find your local bring bank or civic amenity site.

If you can’t eat it, store it correctly

For many of us, the best part of the festivities is the food, not just the main meal itself but the leftover turkey and stuffing sandwiches. But even eating as many sandwiches as possible there are many other parts of the traditional festive feast that are often unnecessarily left to go to waste. Due to either being thrown away or not being stored correctly. A lot of this waste can be avoided by simply storing food correctly, and not overstocking the cupboards.

Here are a few tips for your Christmas leftovers:

Turkey - Cover your turkey tightly with foil or cling film, or store it in a sealed bag in the fridge for no longer than three or four days. You can also freeze it but be sure to do this as soon as possible, it will be perfect for reheating over the coming weeks.

Gravy - Since gravy shouldn’t be stored in the fridge for longer than a day, leave it to cool and then pour it into ice cube trays to be used in recipes like stews and shepherd's pies.

Mince Pies - These crumbly sweet snacks can be enjoyed for months after Christmas if stored in airtight containers in the freezer. You can even use them to make other desserts, such as mince pie cake or mince pie crumble.

Carrots - These could easily be made into a soup by adding vegetable stock and a few herbs and spices, perfect light snack for Christmas night when you get peckish.

Sprouts - Love them or hate them they always end up on our Christmas plates, they can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for three days and made into dishes such as colcannon. They can also be frozen in sealed bags for up to 12 months - which could even save you from buying them next year!

Christmas Pudding - They will keep for two weeks in the fridge, or up to three months in the freezer, and can also be made into many other delicious desserts. Cut the cake into portions and freeze in zip-locked bags, and then defrost either overnight or in the microwave as and when that sweet craving hits!

Roast Potatoes - Roasties are a staple of Christmas dinner, covered with foil or stored in an airtight container in the fridge and they will last a couple of days. They can then be slowly warmed in the oven, mashed, fried as a side dish for meals, or made into delicious dishes like potato and stuffing hash and patatas bravas.

For more food hints and tips over the holidays and for the rest of the year make sure to check out stopfoodwaste.ie

Written by Declan Breen, My Waste.

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