Déise Today

Waterford man still feeling effects of covid-19 battle 10 months on...

Waterford man still feeling effects of covid-19 battle 10 months on...

A Waterford man who spent 66 days in UHW last March/April in a battle for his life against covid-19 says he is still living with the effects today.

Tom Gallagher, who was twice on a ventilator in ICU, said he still suffers fatigue and aches and pains.

He remains on blood thinning medication and his scans show that his lungs are scarred from the illness.

He told Damien Tiernan on Deise Today this morning that he often wonders how his health will be into the future... but he has to try to stay positive.


"I feel blessed. I feel lucky (to have come out the other side of it)," he said.

"I don't like to dramatise coronavirus as I know people are fighting all different health battles but this is an illness affecting everyone. You would feel lucky."

Tom was one of a number of members of the Gallagher family to contract coronavirus in March. Both Tom and his brother Trevor were very seriously affected and both spent time in ICU in University Hospital Waterford.

You can listen back to Tom on Deise Today this morning by clicking below here..

Meanwhile, you can listen back to the full Deise Today show from this morning by clicking below here...
