Déise Today

Uniform issue in Carlow school sparks huge debate...

Uniform issue in Carlow school sparks huge debate...

IT got the country talking and this morning, parents and teachers in Waterford had plenty to say on the issue too!

A Carlow secondary school sparked massive controversy when female students (at the Presentation College there) were told not to wear tight clothes to PE as it could be "distracting" to teachers.

Thousands of people have already signed a petition online and there have been calls for an apology to be made to students.

It's been reported that female students in all years were called out of class last Friday and told not to wear revealing clothes to school.


While male students received no advice on their attire, the female students were told not to wear tight leggings to school or roll up their skirts too short.

On Deise Today this morning, Damien got the views of teachers, parents, a Waterford based sociologist and also psychotherapist Stella O'Malley.

You can listen back to some of that discussion by clicking below here...


Meanwhile, you can listen back to the full Deise Today from this morning by clicking below here...
