Déise Today

Sister of Tramore woman, Esther McCann, pleads for her killer never to be released

Sister of Tramore woman, Esther McCann, pleads for her killer never to be released

"The community wouldn't be safe. The general population wouldn't be safe".

So says the sister of a Tramore woman who was murdered in 1992 by Frank McCann.

As well as murdering Esther, he also murdered their 18-month-old foster daughter when he deliberately set fire to their home.

He's been refused parole on a number of occasions but Marion Leonard now fears he will be released.


Speaking on Déise Today, Marian said she doesn't believe he will ever be rehabilitated:

"The parole board recommended that he go to the progression unit in Mountjoy for nine months. I got the email yesterday.

"It says, 'to enable him to focus on programmes of further rehabilitation and preparation for re-integration into the community' - a frightening sentence.

"...He murdered a child. Like, leaving Esther out of it, he murdered a child.


"Child murderers should never come out of prison, ever."

Marian says there isn't a day that goes by that she doesn't think of her sister and her baby, and that they are missed at every family event.

McCann had attempted to murder them three times before, which Marian believes proves how cold-blooded and premeditated it all was:

"It was at the time that we were all distracted because our son, James, was dying of cancer.

"Each of the attempts was made when I was away - I was either down here in Tramore, or I was at the hospital with James.

"I had a key to the house, so he had to make sure I was out of the way.

"He succeeded on the 4th of September [1992]. Nobody had seen it coming.

"When it happened, the previous events kind of slotted into place and there was really only one person in the frame."

This July a new statutory parole board will come into effect, which Marian hopes will be better for victims and their families as it will allow them to appear in person before the board, if they so wish.

Frank McCann is due for another parole hearing in nine months time, but Marian believes he should never be released.

You can listen back to Damien's interview with Marian below:

Meanwhile, you can listen back to the full Deise Today from this morning by clicking below here...
