Déise Today

Reaction to Cancellation of Spectators at Sporting Events - Deise Today Wednesday 19th August

Reaction to Cancellation of Spectators at Sporting Events - Deise Today Wednesday 19th August

Yesterday the government announced a raft of new restrictions to try and curb the resurgence of Covid-19. This includes reducing the number of people at indoor and outdoor events. They also announced that all sporting events are to happen behind closed doors.

Former RTE journalist Charlie Bird speaks to Damien about the mixed messages being given out by the government in relation to these restrictions.

We also get reaction from Shane 'Shiner' Ahearn who gives his opinion on the effect this will have on the GAA.

And former general election candidate Bernadette Philips gives her opinion on how these new restrictions will affect older people.


Finally, former taxi driver Wilbur Shaw gives his reaction to the Sole Traders Grant.

In the second hour of the show Damien speaks to a listener Geraldine Murphy who is at her wits end trying to get an issue with Three Ireland sorted since last March.

The principal of The Ursline secondary school in Waterford Bernie McGlynn tells Damien how their preparations are going for re-opening the school next month.


Cathal Nolan, PHD fellow in Climate Science at UCC and founder of Ireland's weather channel on Facebook, tells Damien about the force of storm Ellen which is due to hit Waterford tonight.

And Fianna Fail councillor Jason Murphy & Maria Rohan of Down Syndrome Ireland tell Damien about their charity walk which had to be cancelled due to Covid-19
