Déise Today

Partying by students continuing to upset Templar's Hall residents

Partying by students continuing to upset Templar's Hall residents

Partying in Templar's Hall in Waterford city by students is continuing to cause problems for long-term residents of the estate, it was heard today.

Householders in the the area, including Pat from the Lacken Road area, spoke to Deise Today about how anti-social behaviour in some houses is causing deep upset for neighbours in the locality.

Last week, gardai were called to a house where 50 young people had gathered at a party, an incident which is being investigated as a potential Covid-19 regulation breach.

Local resident Pat explained to Damien Tiernan this morning that some landlords are neglecting their duties regarding keeping control of their properties - and it's just not good enough.


"There's fines available. People need to be fined," he said.

Also on this morning's show, Damien spoke to young student residents of the estate who were "shocked" to be visited by a group of 10-12 local residents to their house on Tuesday evening alleging that they may have been causing problems.

Owen, Michael and Courtney, all fourth year students of WIT, described the incident where they were approached at their front door.

They said parties were going on in other student houses on the estate but they were not to blame for any parties. They described being unsettled by the call to the front door.


Meanwhile, Mirella (a long-term resident of Templar's Hall from Croatia originally) showed Damien where a firework had come through her letterbox in recent days - and could have caused someone serious injury.

You can listen back to the discussion, and the various interviewees, on Templar's Hall on Deise Today this morning by clicking below...

Meanwhile, to listen back to the full Deise Today from this morning, click below here...
