Déise Today

Is homophobia still prevalent? - Deise Today Thursday 16th January

Is homophobia still prevalent? - Deise Today Thursday 16th January

On today's programme Damien Tiernan speaks to Anita Furlong from Oakleaf Counselling about the effects of shaming gay people and the discussion around gender identity. This is on foot of the invitation of 'chastity speaker' Jason Evert to Waterford which was cancelled, but do the issues remain?

Relationship counsellor Bernadette Ryan talks about how to be happy after a recent survey shows Irish people are happier after the age of 48.

And county registrar Niall Rooney has details on how people can ensure that they are registered to vote int eh upcoming general election.

(The first hour of this show was taken up with an in-depth interview with Minister John Halligan and has been podcast separately)
