Déise Today

Anti-aircraft gun not the only discovery from the 'Saltees Quest' crew...

Anti-aircraft gun not the only discovery from the 'Saltees Quest' crew...

Photo Credit: James Duffin
The crew members of the Saltee Quest trawler have made some unusual discoveries over the past week.
On Friday, crewmembers discovered an anti-aircraft gun from a submarine. which is estimated to date back to the 1940s.

But it's not the only discovery they made recently...
Skipper James Duffin says that only last week they discovered a new species of fish in Irish waters.
Speaking to Ollie and Aoife on The Breakfast Blaa, the Passage-East native said it was discovered 50-60 miles off the coast of Waterford.

James said it was great to see the locals come out to support the crew members discovery on Friday, when they uncovered the gun.