Death Notices Death Notices Mr. Patrick (Paddy) Barrett, Cannock, Birmingham, Staffordshire, formerly of Connolly Place, Waterford May 25, 21
Death Notices Death Notices Kathleen Wall nee Murphy, Late of Henry Street, Waterford and Mooncoin Residential Care Centre May 25, 21
Death Notices Death Notices Patricia Hearne nee Jones, Morrisson's Avenue, Waterford and formerly of O'Connell Street and Thomas Hill. May 24, 21
Death Notices Death Notices Mr Pat Devereux, Tir Connell Avenue, Waterford , formerly of Waterford Crystal and Sheridan's May 23, 21
Death Notices Death Notices Mr. John Kiely, Killure Bridge Nursing Home and formerly of Mount Sion Avenue, Waterford May 21, 21
Death Notices Death Notices Tom Ahearne, Kilbrien lower, Balinamult, Co. Waterford and formerly of Mapstown, Dungarvan May 19, 21