
WCTU call for reopening of Waterford-Wexford rail line

WCTU call for reopening of Waterford-Wexford rail line

Waterford Council of Trade Unions (WCTU) is calling on the government to reopen the Waterford-Wexford rail line.

The local trade union council has put up posters around the city in an effort to highlight the need for rail connectivity.

Last September marked the 10th anniversary of the closure of the service.

WCTU says the criteria used to determine the need for rail networks in the South East were 'short-sighted' and 'based on a business case rather than on a public service one'.


The group said since its closure the need for the resumption of the South East service has only amplified, citing the carbon emissions, Brexit and a changing work environment among some of the reasons it should be reinstated.

Tom Creedon, is secretary of the Waterford Council of Trade Unions.

"There's a huge increase in ferry transport to Rosslare and Belview ports in these post-Brexit times,  and we're suggesting that the freight transport should be moved to rail.

"It's an environmentally friendly option, there's a 73% reduction in emissions if we move from heavy goods vehicles, and there's already an operational Belview to Ballina route so we're suggesting that should be extended out," Tom said.


The need for rail connectivity between the two South East counties is extremely important according to Tom and he's calling on Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan to consider this in his plans for the future of sustainable transport.

"In terms of public transport and tourism, and in the current situation where people are working remotely - we believe that the rail line can enhance the lives of people there if they had the opportunity to commute.

The Minister [Transport Minister Eamon Ryan] is conducting a review on rail on a countrywide basis and we wrote to him on the 25th of February, seeking that he would include the Waterford-Wexford rail line in that," Tom said.

Waterford City and County Council’s Environmental SPC recently passed a motion calling for the Minister to open this route while the South East on Track Group also met with the Minister, putting forward the plan for the need for the Wexford –Waterford – Limerick line to be reopened and upgraded, and securing the line for inclusion in the upcoming rail review by the Department.

WCTU said they're campaigning alongside SEOT to develop this route and utilise the infrastructure already in existence for the people of the South East.
