
Fraudsters scam person out of almost 5,000 in Waterford

Fraudsters scam person out of almost 5,000 in Waterford

A person in Waterford lost near €5,000 after being told their PPS number was linked to drugs and money laundering.

Gardaí have recently highlighted scams where people are pretending to be from An Garda Síochána, Social Welfare, the Attorney General’s Office and other businesses.

In the case of the individual scammed in Waterford, they were asked to download an app resulting in the loss.

Provisional figures show that this type of fraud has increased fivefold for the first 20 days of April 2021, compared to April 2019.


Gardaí say that people of all ages and all walks of life are falling victim to fraud on a daily basis.

"Anyone who rings, texts or emails you out of the blue and requests personal information such as bank details, they are not to be trusted.

"If the person who contacts you claims to be from someone you are associated with, carry out your own enquiries to find out if it’s genuine – but do not clink any links they send you or call the number they contact you from or that is stated in their email," a spokesperson said.

Recent Scams across the country include:


·    A phone call from a number similar to the Garda Confidential Line contacts a person stating they are investigating fraud activity or investigating a crime and require your details to progress the investigation. The phone call comes from 0-1800-666-111. The actual Garda Confidential Line number is 1800-666-111 and does not make outgoing calls.

·    A person or automated message tells you there is a warrant out for your arrest/an outstanding fine/ that your DNA has been found in a crashed car or on drugs seized and to prevent further action you are asked to make a payment.

·    Phone calls and texts from persons fraudulently advising they are a named official of the Department of Social Protection and being advised your PPS number has been compromised.

·    Calls, emails or correspondence from a sports club, i.e golf club, which advises you of a change in their banking details or request a new method of payment.
