
Ardmore and Tramore approved for Filte Ireland Platforms for Growth 2 - Facility Centres for Water Sports Activities Funding Scheme

Ardmore and Tramore approved for Filte Ireland Platforms for Growth 2 - Facility Centres for Water Sports Activities Funding Scheme

Waterford City & County Council has welcomed the news that two seaside locations in Waterford have been approved under the Fáilte Ireland Platforms for Growth 2 – Facility Centres for Water Sports Activities funding scheme.
The funding was announced by Minister Catherine Martin at the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and will see the delivery of world-class Facility Centres for Water Sports in both Ardmore and Tramore.
The facilities will provide secure changing facilities, hot showers and orientation space for activity providers will add to the overall tourism appeal of County Waterford.
The funding forms part of a national funding scheme to the value of €19million which will enable the development of a network of 22 Facility Centres for Water Sports across Ireland that will all align with an exemplar design commissioned by Fáilte Ireland.
These Facility Centres will assist in highlighting the strength of the coastal and activity offering we have in Waterford, encouraging visitors to stay longer and enjoy water sports activities as part of their stay.
The Facility Centres will also be of benefit to many locals who enjoy a variety of water sports and add to the outstanding quality of life offering in Waterford.  Local water sport activity providers will benefit from and have access to the facilities in both Ardmore and Tramore and will be consulted with regard to the development of both facilities.

Tramore Beach

The Mayor of the City and County of Waterford, Councillor Damien Geoghegan, welcomed this funding announcement for Waterford saying “I am delighted that Waterford has attracted funding for two world class facilities in both Tramore and Ardmore locations. To have water sports facilities of such calibre in the East and West of the County will highlight our spectacular coastal offering and encourage visitors to explore the pristine Waterford coastline from new perspectives. It will be a brilliant amenity for locals too and will also provide opportunities for job creation.”
Deputy Marc Ó Cathasaigh said: “This is a great news day for both Tramore and Ardmore. These new Water Sports Activity Facility Centres will make a huge difference to our tourism offering but will also be a well-used year round resource for locals. There has been a huge increase in the numbers of people enjoying kayaking, surfing, sea-swimming and paddle-boarding over the last few years but even more so during the pandemic. Today’s announcement of these all-weather changing, storage, and shower facilities recognises a new demand and will result in state-of-the-art facilities we can be proud of”.
“One of the very few positives that have come out of the pandemic is the sense of reconnection with our local areas. We all got to know our 5km very well. Tramore and Ardmore beaches have provided a lifeline for so many people during the restrictions in terms of their mental and physical health. These  new facilities will build on our appreciation of our local areas, support our local economy and the outdoor activity sector and will result in new opportunities for these towns. They will also contribute to an extension of the tourism season beyond the traditional summer months which will benefit Irish people holidaying at home in the short term but our overall tourism market long term. They will play a key role in our post-COVID recovery and allow us to capitalise on the wonderful natural resource we have along the Waterford coast”.
The Covid 19 pandemic has increased interest in holidays with a solid outdoor offering and Fáilte Ireland research has shown that visitors on activity holidays spend more and stay longer. Waterford is well known for its spectacular Waterford Greenway, the rugged Comeragh Mountains and its pristine coastline which includes five Blue Flag beaches and the spectacular Copper Coast UNESCO Global Geopark. Waterford also has a network of almost 40 accredited walking and cycling trails across the county and St. Declan’s Way, a 100km pilgrim path from Ardmore to the Rock of Cashel, will be a unique addition to this list when it opens in the summer.
