
Tramore terrace refused planning permission

Tramore terrace refused planning permission

A terrace to the rear of One the Waterfront in Tramore has been refused planning permission.
The bar and restaurant area which enjoys stunning views of the beach was constructed two years ago without the appropriate permission.
An application was submitted in October last year for retention permission for the cantilevered extension to the existing external licenced terrace to provide an additional 31.7m2 floor area and construction of a new 114m2 lower level external licenced terrace. Retention was also sought for replacement steps from the terrace to the beach.
Waterford council today (Friday) refused to grant the retention application as the site is in a visually sensitive area.
Tramore councillor Joe Conway said it was the right decision:
"I think in an enlighted piece of planning adjudication they said the development was in a very visual sensitive area and it was zoned open space anyway and they had serious concerns about the stability of the cliff face and about the steps leading down to the beach, which I think (are) visually repulsive".

Last week permission for two houses on a vacant site on Gallwey's Hill, almost adjacent to One the Waterfront, was also refused.
Over 100 objections were received to the development, which planners rejected due to concerns over the stability of the cliff face as well as the impact on vulnerable road users.
Joe says anyone "with a twitter of wit" could see that the area is not suitable for development.
In both cases, the applicants have a period of one month to appeal the decision to An Bord Pleanála.