Déise Today

Appeal for info on 50th birthday of woman missing from Waterford

Appeal for info on 50th birthday of woman missing from Waterford

An appeal for information into the disappearance of Imelda Keenan 27 years ago has been reissued by the gardai on what would have been her 50th birthday today (March 24th).

Imelda was 22 when she went missing on the 3rd of January 1994.

She was living in a flat at 4 Wiliam Street with her boyfriend and was last seen at 1.30pm close to the Tower Hotel.

The young woman who was originally from Mountmellick in Co Laois was studying in Waterford at the time.


When last spotted she was wearing leopard print ski-pants, a white jumper and blue denim jacket.

garda image of what Imelda would look like now

Det Sgt Michael Burke from Waterford garda station explains the steps they've taken to try and find Imelda over the years:

"An Garda Siochana have taken numerous statements and have made a number of public appeals, including crimecall, we have liaised closely with the family, with interpol, the missing persons bureau and the UK but unfortunately we have had no real leads over the 27 years ."


Anyone with information is asked to contact Waterford gardai on 051-305300 or the Garda confidential line on 1800 666 111. Sgt Burke says it doesn't matter how insignificant the information may appear, it may help to solve the mystery of her disappearance.

The situation is understandably distressing for Imelda's family. Her parents and two siblings are now deceased and her brother Gerry has been relentless in trying to find out what happened to his sister. Earlier this week he spoke to WLR's Damien Tiernan. Listen back to what Gerry had to say here:
