
Covid-19 vaccine roll-out to housebound patients begins

Covid-19 vaccine roll-out to housebound patients begins

The rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine to people who are housebound has commenced.
A plan has been agreed upon by GPs and the IMO, and the National Ambulance Service will visit these patients' homes to administer the jab.
Minister of State for Older People, Mary Butler, explains how it will be rolled out.
"The HSE has been working on plans for the last couple of weeks in relation to those aged 85 and over who might be housebound, that may not be able to go their GP for the vaccine.

"The most important thing I want to say is that nobody will be left behind if they need a vaccine, and to be honest the take-up is absolutely phenomenal.

"It's great to see so many older people putting their faith in science and taking the vaccine, Deputy Butler said.
The Waterford Minister of State explains how it will be rolled out. "It has been agreed between the Irish Medical Organisation with GPs that they will identify those who are housebound.
"This information has been fed through local primary care staff and through the public health nurses."
"The information is being passed onto the National Ambulance Service for these people to be vaccinated at home," the Fianna Fáil TD said.
The programme commenced this week in the greater Dublin area and will be roll-outed throughout the rest of the country over the coming weeks.
"For anyone who's at home, who hasn't be able to leave home to get the vaccine - please do not worry your GP has passed on your details.
"The National Ambulance Service will be in contact and they will come to your house to administer the vaccine," Deputy Butler said.
