The Big Breakfast Blaa

Listen back: Wayne Brown discusses the features in the new Samsung Galaxy S21

Listen back: Wayne Brown discusses the features in the new Samsung Galaxy S21
Galaxy s21

Samsung has launched another version of the Galaxy with massive camera capabilities

Like its big rivals Apple, Samsung loves a snazzy product launch. The Android giant took the tech world by surprise by unveiling the Galaxy S21 a month earlier than expected. Another surprise is the fact that it comes in at far lower cost than the Galaxy S20, launched less than a year ago. In fact, we're talking around €200 in the difference.

Wayne hones in on some of the new Galaxy's features, the most impressive being the capabilities of the phone's camera, which is beyond the technology most of us are used to.

If you like Wayne's tech slots on The Big Breakfast Blaa, have a listen here to his thoughts on 20 years of iTunes.


And below is his chat with Ollie and me this morning on the S21..
