
Ireland bracing for coldest night of winter with -8 temperatures

Ireland bracing for coldest night of winter with -8 temperatures

Tonight is set to be the coldest night of the winter, according to Met Éireann.

Temperatures could plummet to minus eight degrees in some parts of the country.

The forecaster has issued a fresh status yellow low temperature and ice warning for the entire country, that will come into effect at 5pm this evening.

The warning for “hazardous icy conditions” in places with “widespread severe frost and pockets of freezing fog” will remain in place until 12pm on Saturday.


There may also be wintry showers in certain areas, according to meteorologist Siobhan Ryan.

“It looks like tonight actually is going to be the coldest night so far this winter season, temperatures are going to plummet, minus two to minus eight degrees,” she said.


“I would say that there are a few wintry showers out there at the moment, I mean they’re few and far between but one area that may well be at threat over the next 24 hours is actually the very east of Leinster.

“All the indicators are that there could well be some sleet and snow in these parts.”

Ms Ryan said the current status yellow warning could be elevated to an orange one.

“Last night and this morning’s [warning] is yellow, but tonight could be a yellow and orange one in over the country,” she said.

“So it is going to be extremely cold tonight, and widespread frost and ice will again be an issue.

“The bulk of the country will stay dry, nice bright winter sunshine out there, the winds are light too, so even though it will be treacherous in certain parts on foot, actually conditions will be fairly ok once you wrap up for it.”
