
Gardaí break up lockdown party in shed with 100 people

Gardaí break up lockdown party in shed with 100 people

More than 100 young people attended a party in a shed in Co Cork on Thursday night.

Gardaí said they stopped the event in Blarney at 11pm and dispersed the crowd.

The force is investigating both the organisers and those who attended, and a file will be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.


All indoor and outdoor gatherings are banned under current Level 5 restrictions, other than small numbers at funerals and weddings.

Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly said the Government is reinforcing the “stay at home” message as the UK variant of the virus is in Ireland at a “significant level” and across all parts of the country.


Thursday saw 1,022 people being treated in hospital with coronavirus including 95 in intensive care.

There were 6,521 new cases of Covid-19 in Ireland and 10 additional deaths linked to the disease.
