
British Brexit campaign relocates to Waterford to keep 'EU' website domain

British Brexit campaign relocates to Waterford to keep 'EU' website domain

A Fine Gael TD says he has no desire to see a Brexit campaign relocate to Waterford.

Leave.EU which was set up by Brexiteer Aaron Wright and fronted by Nigel Farage, would lose its website domain if it kept its original address in Bristol.

Fine Gael spokesman on European Affairs Neale Richmond has referred the organisation to ComReg and says the group has a reprehensible record in the UK.

“Leave.eu is an odious campaign group that’s spread fear and disinformation throughout the Brexit referendum and subsequent negotiation process.


“Following the end of the transition period, the group has moved its registered office from the UK to Waterford in order to maintain its .eu domain name.

“Such a move not only maintains the domain name but also retains the group’s prominent profile on the internet through search engines, social media sites and existing references.

“The revocation of Leave.eu to Waterford is certainly not a Brexit dividend and the basing of such an organisation here should not be welcomed nor should it be easy.

“As such, I have written to ComReg and placed Parliamentary Questions to the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications querying the legitimacy of such a relocation.


“It is my understanding that to maintain a .eu registered domain name, an organisation must be an EU citizen or business based in the EU with other qualifying conditions.

“We cannot allow Ireland to be a brass plate of convenience for this grouping and this requires rigorous scrutiny,” Deputy Richmond said.
