
'Tomorrow can't come soon enough' - Maypark House Nursing Home gets ready for vaccinations

'Tomorrow can't come soon enough' - Maypark House Nursing Home gets ready for vaccinations

Maypark House Nursing Home in Waterford is set to be the first nursing home in the county to receive the Covid-19 vaccination tomorrow (Thursday).The private nursing home close to University Hosptial Waterford is among 25 of the 580 residential facilities nationwide to receive the inoculation, as part of a soft roll-out.

Maypark has 22 residents and 30 staff and has managed to stay Covid-free throughout the pandemic.

Laura Sheridan, Director of Nursing, says tomorrow can't come soon enough:

"We're delighted to be the first nursing home in Waterford. The residents and staff are absolutely thrilled. We're ready to go, all the consents are signed and we're waiting for the vaccine to be delivered."


Laura says the process has been very well organised, an ultra-low temperature pharmaceutical fridge has been installed, and the hope is that the staff will be vaccinated in the morning, with the residents receiving theirs in the afternoon.

She says the residents are very excited "they see this as a step forward, getting their families back again and being able to go out and visit their homes".

It has obviously been a very tough time for residents, and Laura says while window visits have been great, nothing beats being able to hug a family member.



