Déise Today

Hauliers face up to implications of Covid and Brexit

Hauliers face up to implications of Covid and Brexit

There are fears some Irish truckers may not be able to get home for Christmas

It's after France closed its border with the UK due to concerns about a new variant of Covid-19.

Paul Jackman, a Waterford haulier, is part of the Management Committee of the Irish Road Haulage Association.

He told Damien Tiernan on Deise Today about the situation facing the sector, and was joined on the programme by Kevin Nolan of Noland Transport and Pat Croke, who runs a haulage business in Mooncoin.


You can listen back here:

Meanwhile, also on this morning’s show:

Mary Roche, city councillor (Ind) regarding her motion (raised at the metro meeting last week) on a plan to highlight the ancient city walls of Waterford, while Roisin McGrath from the 'Harmania Indie Choir' based here in Waterford chats about their fundraising efforts for Oasis House and Safe Ireland.

Michael Walsh, CEO OF Waterford City and County Council, looking back on 2020, including the fantastic developments with the North Quays amid difficult times with Covid.


Damien highlights the donation of €3,800 worth of toys presented by the Causeway Group, while Dr Austin Byrne joins to discuss the heightened Covid levels. Then Rose Jones gives an update on her raffle of a car, house and €5,000, while farmer Stuart Downie talks up the Christmas Tractor Run taking place in Carrick on Wednesday night, which is in aid of a Portlaw family.

You can listen back to the programme in full below.

